My life and my thoughts - on faith, culture, politics, whatever comes to my mind

Friday, April 27, 2007

Frugal decorating tip

We just moved into an apartment two months ago. And I moved from a studio with kitchen to several rooms. And of course the kitchen is now an extra room. As most of our rooms face south-west, we suddenly needed kitchen curtains.
I'm not necessarily a curtain lover. It really depends on the kind of curtain. And we had spent quite a lot of money on new furniture already. So we wanted something cute which fits our style and isn't expensive.
We managed! In a decorating magazine we saw dish towel curtains. It looked really cozy and kitchen-like :). So after checking our own dish towels (too stiff or not pretty enough) we bought a pair at Butlers for under 4 € and a plastic curtain rod with hooks.

Here is the result (unfortunately the pictures are a little dark, even though we have sun and over 90° F):

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