How to not minimize computer time...
It's not that I absolutely have to spend less time on the computer. But I know that as soon as I will start my new job (sometime in the next three weeks - pleeease), I will definately have less time for blogging and keeping up with all the blogs I read and researching family history and digital scrapbooking and all those other (computer non-related) activites, if I don't want to spend every evening in front of the screen for hours.
Therefore maybe it is not the best idea to suddenly start exploring the exiting world of --- foodblogs! I love food and I love reading about food and pictures of food and I love to cook and to eat. My cookbook collection is ever growing and my DH is always alarmed when I mention a trip to that awesome cookbook store in Cologne. He warned me that new cookbooks are only allowed with new shelves to house them and we do not have any more shelve space. (But he gave me a cookbook as a Christmas present nevertheless!)
So here a some links to foodblogs I enjoyed and I'll add a food blogroll soon:
101 Cookbooks
Chocolate and Zucchini
Nordljus (beautiful pictures)
La popotte de Manue (in French)
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