My life and my thoughts - on faith, culture, politics, whatever comes to my mind

Monday, December 31, 2007

Favorite books of 2007

I have always loved reading and even though I have a lot less time for it than I used to, I still read lots (ask my husband :)). So in 2007 I read quite a number of books and now decided to come up with a list of favorites.
I think I mainly read Christian books this year, so here are my top 3:

  1. C.J. Mahaney, Living the cross-centered life (this is an awesome book; if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely have to in 2008!)
  2. Jerry Bridges, Discipline of Grace (I almost twice through, still some pages left to read and mark)
  3. Jim Andrews, Polishing God's momuments - Pillars of hope for punishing times (I believe it is so important to think about how to deal with trials and hard times before they hit us; I can highly recommend this book)

It's harder to come up with a ranking for non-Christian books, I don't remember all the ones I read in 2007, so here is just a list of three which I liked:
  • Allison Weir, Innocent Traitor (historical fiction; an account of the life of Lady Jane Grey; this was the best fiction I read in 2007)
  • Philippa Gregory, The Boleyn inheritance (historial fiction; this is no. 3 in a whole series about Tudor England; all of them are great)
  • J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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